Venus Ransomware: Analysis, Detection, and Recovery

In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, a new menace has surfaced that targets organizations with a ferocity that demands attention: Venus Ransomware. Since its emergence in mid-2021, Venus has been a topic of concern among security professionals, evolving from the notorious Zeoticus ransomware.

What is Venus Ransomware?

Venus ransomware is a type of malicious software designed to encrypt data on infected systems, holding it hostage until a ransom is paid. Unlike its predecessors, Venus is not distributed as Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS); instead, it is sold as a complete package, which includes the compiled binary and access to decryptors. What makes Venus particularly dangerous is its lack of a public victim shaming or data leak site, a common tactic used by other ransomware to pressure victims into paying.

Target Profile

Venus ransomware does not discriminate; it targets a wide range of victims, from large enterprises to small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). The ransomware has been observed to attack various sectors, with no specific industry being exclusively targeted. A recent incident involved a healthcare entity in the United States falling victim to Venus, signaling the ransomware’s indiscriminate approach and the high stakes for organizations holding sensitive data.

Distribution Methods

The distribution methods of Venus ransomware are diverse and sophisticated. Phishing and spear-phishing campaigns via email are common vectors, exploiting human error and deception to gain initial access. Venus also takes advantage of exposed and vulnerable applications and services, with a particular emphasis on Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) services. The use of third-party frameworks such as Empire, Metasploit, and Cobalt Strike further underscores the ransomware’s advanced deployment capabilities.

Technical Details and Operation

The technical details of Venus ransomware reveal a well-orchestrated attack process. Upon execution, the ransomware spawns additional processes to search for and terminate services that could prevent encryption, such as database servers and Microsoft Office applications. It prepares the machine for encryption by deleting Volume Shadow Copies (VSS) and blocks recovery mechanisms. Venus uses a hard-coded list of processes to shut down relevant services on the target machine using taskkill.exe.

The encryption process itself is ruthless, employing AES and RSA algorithms to lock data securely. Files encrypted by Venus are appended with the .venus extension, and a unique ‘goodgamer’ filemarker is added to the end of each file, a signature move by the ransomware. This meticulous approach to encryption ensures that victims are left with few options outside of paying the ransom or restoring from backups.

Detection and Mitigation

The detection and mitigation of Venus ransomware are paramount for organizations to protect their assets. The SentinelOne Singularity XDR Platform is capable of detecting and preventing the malicious behaviors and artifacts associated with Venus. By leveraging such advanced security solutions, organizations can stay one step ahead of the threat actors.

Implementing a robust recovery plan is also crucial. This involves maintaining and retaining multiple copies of sensitive or proprietary data in a physically separate, secure location. Network segmentation and maintaining offline backups ensure limited interruption to the organization’s operations in the event of an attack.

Regularly backing up data and keeping antivirus software up-to-date are standard practices that cannot be overlooked. Furthermore, installing updates and patches for operating systems and software as soon as they are released can prevent ransomware from exploiting known vulnerabilities.

Removal and Recovery

For those affected by Venus ransomware, removal and recovery are top priorities. Customers of SentinelOne are protected from Venus without the need for updates or additional actions. In cases where the policy was set to “Detect Only” and a device became infected, SentinelOne’s rollback capability can revert any malicious impact on the device and restore encrypted files to their original state.

Relation to Cryptocurrencies

While not explicitly detailed in the provided sources, the relationship between Venus ransomware and cryptocurrencies is an important aspect to consider. Ransomware attackers commonly demand ransom payments in cryptocurrencies due to the anonymity and difficulty in tracing these transactions. This preference for cryptocurrencies adds a layer of complexity for law enforcement and underscores the importance of cybersecurity measures that can prevent or mitigate ransomware attacks.

Healthcare Sector Warnings

The healthcare sector has been specifically warned against Venus ransomware attacks. The Health and Human Services (HHS) advisory underlines that Venus targets publicly-exposed Remote Desktop Servers, a vulnerability that can have dire consequences for healthcare providers and their patients’ privacy. The advisory suggests firewalling vulnerable Remote Desktop services and implementing other security measures to protect against such attacks.

Similar Ransomware and Comparisons

Venus ransomware shares similarities with other ransomware families like Ducky, Matryoshka, Cesar, Eye, and Combo. However, it stands out due to its unique encryption algorithms and the absence of a RaaS model. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for cybersecurity professionals to tailor their defense strategies effectively.

Infection Methods and Protection Tips

Venus ransomware is typically distributed via spam campaigns that use deceptive emails with malicious attachments or links. Other infection methods include untrustworthy download channels, bundling with legitimate software, or through illegal activation tools and fake updates.

To protect against Venus and similar threats, it is advisable to:

  • Avoid opening emails from unknown senders and refrain from clicking on suspicious links or attachments.
  • Only download software from official and verified sources.
  • Keep all software up-to-date using legitimate update tools.
  • Employ reliable antivirus and anti-spyware solutions for regular system scans and real-time protection.

Malware Removal and Data Recovery

If an organization falls victim to Venus ransomware, the immediate step is to remove the malware. For macOS users, tools like Combo Cleaner Antivirus are recommended for this purpose. However, removal does not decrypt the affected files. Data recovery is typically possible through backups or specialized data recovery tools, like Recuva.

For those without backups, seeking out decryption tools online, such as those offered by the No More Ransom Project, may provide a solution. It’s important to note that paying the ransom should be a last resort, as it does not guarantee the recovery of data and may fund further criminal activities.

Reporting and Response

In the event of a ransomware infection, it is important to report the incident to the relevant authorities. Isolating the infected devices to prevent the spread of ransomware within the network is a critical first step. Identifying the specific ransomware variant can aid in finding a suitable decryption tool and inform the response strategy.

For additional guidance on handling ransomware infections, resources like the ID Ransomware website can be helpful. Furthermore, educating staff on the signs of a ransomware attack and how to respond can significantly reduce the risk of a successful infection.


Venus ransomware represents a significant threat to organizations of all sizes and across all industries. Its sophisticated distribution methods, technical capabilities, and the use of cryptocurrencies for ransom payments make it a formidable challenge for cybersecurity defenses. By staying informed, implementing robust security measures, and preparing for potential attacks, organizations can mitigate the risks posed by Venus and other ransomware threats.